Sometimes items we manufacture and sell are called by many different names.

Maybe the item you are unable to find is listed below. If so – you are in the right place, and we can help. If you don’t see the nomenclature you are looking for below – we encourage you to contact an experienced Metalloy Tooling Representative to help you find what you are looking for. In business since 1969 – it’s hard to stump our team.

Give us a call – or drop us a line anytime:

Phone: 630.587.1188
Fax: 630.587.1199


Inch Punch, Metric Punch, Headed Punch, Ball Lock Punch, Heavy, Duty Punch, Ejector Punch, Perforator, Pin, Shoulder Punch, Taper Relief, Piercing Punch, Shaving Punch, Pilot Punch, Piloting Punch, Extruding Punch, Notching Punch, Lancing punch, Coining Punch, Blanking Punch, Drawing Punch, Trimming Punch, Flanging Punch, Custom Punch, Quill Punch, Point, Special Punch, Core Pins, Mold Pins, Commercial Punch, Versatile Punch, Countersink, Compacting, Thread Form, Tooling, Tough Punch, Dura Punch, Burnishing Punch, Expander Punch, Rol-Lok Punch.


Gun Drilling Bushings, Holder Bushings, Tool Holder Bushings, A.N.S.I., Headed Drill Bushings, Headed Press Fit Drill Bushings, Headed Wearing Drill Bushings, Headless Liner Bushing, Renewable Liner Bushing in Carbide, High-Speed Steel (A2, D2, M2, M4, Powdered Metal Bushings), Lock Screws and Clamps.

Punch Retainer Bushings, Die Bushings, Die Matrix, Die Buttons, Impax Tool/Wilson Tool Punch Retainer Bushings, Die Bushings, Die Matrix, Die Buttons, Perfekt Punch Punch Retainer Bushings, Die Bushings, Die Matrix, Die Buttons, Pivot Punch Punch Retainer Bushings, Die Bushings, Die Matrix, Die Buttons, Lane Punch Punch Retainer Bushings, Die Bushings, Die Matrix, Die Buttons, Dura Carb Punch Retainer Bushings, Die Bushings, Die Matrix, Die Buttons, Penn United Technologies Punch Retainer Bushings, Die Bushings, Die Matrix, Die Buttons.

Mold Components

Ejectors, Pins, Core Pins, Quill Pins in standard and precision tolerance. Also, EDM Die Blanks, Custom Shapes, Stepped Punches, Die Inserts, Locating Rings, Nitride Coating for Ejector Pins.


Dayton Progress Retainers, Impax Retainers, Perfekt Punch Retainers, Pivot Punch Retainers, Lane Punch Retainers.

Wear Plates/Wear Products

ISO, NAAMS, J.I.S. Wear Plate and Wear Products are available in Self Lubricating, Ear Strip or Wear Strips, Graphite Impregnated Plugs, Self Lubricating Bronze, U&V Blocks, Aluminum Bronze Wear Plate, Gib Assemblies, L Gibs, V Gibs, Steel with Graphite Plugs, Base Plate, Bronze with Graphite Plugs, Special Wear Plate, Custom Wear Plates, Automotive Wear Plates, Keeper Block Wear Plates.

Guide Pins

Ball Bearing Guide Pins, Press Fit Guide Pins, Removable Guide Pins, Plain Guide Pins, Straight Guide Pins, Flanged Guide Pins, Shoulder Guide Pins, Slotted Guide Pins, Drilled and Tapped Guide Pins, Drill, and Tap Guide Pins, Microne Plated Guide Pins.

Nitrogen Gas Cylinders

Dadco Nitrogen Gas Springs and Nitrogen Gas Cylinders, Raymond-Kaller Nitrogen Gas Springs and Nitrogen Gas Cylinders, Forward Industries Nitrogen Gas Springs and Nitrogen Gas Cylinders, Hyson, Teledyne Hyson Nitrogen Gas Springs and Nitrogen Gas Cylinders, Raymond Nitrogen Gas Springs and Nitrogen Gas Cylinders.

Mechanical Die Springs

inutility springs, spring cages, spring retainers, spring guards and medium duty, extra heavy duty, heavy duty, utility springs, custom springs. J.I.S. Springs, I.S.O. Springs.